Welcome to the University of Maryland 2024 Election Headquarters, where you'll find studies and insights from faculty experts, upcoming events, campus news, resources for voters and more.


Lecturer, Program Director - Applied Political Analytics
Political advertising, campaigns, public opinion, voter psychology

Assistant Professor
Social media and political mis/disinformation

Assistant Professor
Climate change, weather extremes, weather forecasting

Associate Professor of Family Science
Women’s reproductive health
Election Experts in the News
Oct. 21
Ukraine May Cost Trump the Election
UMD's Critical Issues Poll cited in Rolling Stone
Oct. 16
The Baltimore Votes Coalition Works to Live Up to Its Name
Sam Novey featured in Baltimore Magazine
Oct. 16
Climate law sparks swing-state boom in clean energy manufacturing
Michael Hanmer in E&E News by Politico
Oct. 9
Sanewashing? The banality of crazy? A decade into the Trump era, media hasn’t figured him out
Tom Rosenstiel in the Associated Press
Oct. 9
AI vs. Elections: Can This Tech Be a Real Threat?
Cody Buntain and Daniel Trielli in Kill the DJ
Oct. 8
Jennifer Golbeck in the Huffington Post
Sep. 23
Both candidates’ plans to fix America’s housing crisis met with skepticism
Clifford Rossi and Casey Dawkins in the Washington Times
The dates listed below are Maryland election dates and deadlines. We encourage all students both in and out of state to cast their ballot and have their voices heard this election season. To find information for your state including deadlines and how to request a mail-in ballot, visit the link below.
Key Election Dates
Resources for Terps

Get information on the 2024 general election
Get up to date about the 2024 general election, learn more about the candidates, see sample ballots and more.
Look up your polling location on the State Board of Elections' website.
Join TerpsVote to help increase civic engagement on campus or learn about getting paid to be a poll worker for the upcoming election.
Find information on voting accessibility
Learn about how voters with disabilities can access polling places, vote by mail, get assistance filling out their ballot, and more.
Find mental health resources, counseling services, and stress management tips to stay balanced during election season.
Learn how UMD supports your First Amendment rights to free expression and open dialogue on campus.